Saturday, February 28, 2004

New laptop on the way! Very spiffy, am pleased with it, as has been 4+ years since I've bought a new computer. Have upgraded the existing ones, but not quite the same. Now a brief musing on the miracles of electrical tape. I fixed my old laptop's power supply to get me through the next week until the new one arrives. Jury rigged, but it works! Amazing how dependent one is on electricity and how one forgets until one's laptop power supply dies right before one's civil procedure class. But now it is charging, and no raging inferno that I've noticed so far. Scissors and electical tape solved the problem, as they always do. For bigger jobs, it is duct tape and scissors, but really, the same principle. Name me a problem that duct or electrical tape can't solve (although perhaps it'd require a creative application), and it's probably not a problem worth considering.

Had my first strawberry crop yesterday, crop being defined loosely as a single strawberry. An alpine strawberry, close to wild type strawberries, bought at cousin Michal's recommendation. They're yummy. I saw that Djali was licking the leaves of the strawberry plants lovingly, perhaps he's already partaken of their bounty. I wonder if I qualify for farm subsidies now, as I've 14 strawberry plants and a whole bunch of culinary herbs.

Now an amusing quote from on weapons inspectors being spied upon. "Butler told Australian radio he believed he was being bugged by at least four of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, adding, 'I don't know what the Chinese were doing.'" My first thought was, only four?! Does that mean I have a jaundiced view of world politics?